Music Theory (M. Mus.)

Overview of the degree program

Standard period of study 4 semesters (2 years)
Overall scope

120 credit points

34 semester hours in the compulsory modules

20 semester hours in the elective compulsory modules

Admission requirements

A Bachelor's degree in Music or Musicology or an equivalent degree awarded by a university in Germany or abroad

Successful completion of a aptitude test

Good command of English

Candidates applying for the aptitude test, who have neither a German general qualification for university entrance nor a degree / graduation in a German speaking course of studies have to prove sufficient knowledge of the German language (comparable with level A1-GERR). This can be proven either through submission of appropriate test certificates or through a conversation with the Board of Examiners during the aptitude test. If necessary, the Board of Examiners advices to take part in study-integrated German classes according to the respective language skills.

Entrance into the program possible both in summer and winter semester
Degree Master of Music (M. Mus.)
Course structure

Module examinations after the 2nd and 4th semester, Master's examination following the 4th semester

(For more information see the annex of the Examination regulations relating to the respective course of studies and the module handbook respectively.)

Course contents

The course of studies encompasses the compulsory modules:

Major subject l: Musical composition

Major subject ll: Ear training

Major subject I: Modern composition techniques and didactics
didactics, microteaching, composition techniques of the 20th and 21st century, theory of jazz

Musicology and historical music theory
theory of music (lecture and exercise), musicology

Piano practice, Choir and Ensemble:
style-bound figured bass, scoring, improvisation, choir/ensemble

Musical practice: Instrumentation and new music
arrangement, internship with an orchestra, instrumentation, new music, electronic music or computer music

and 1 of 2 elective compulsory modules:

Major subject II: Analysis / theory
Composition: analysis and and style copy, teaching attempts, work analysis, hearing analysis


Major subject II: Composition
Composition: free composition, teaching attempts, composition / arrangement or electronic music / computer music or improvisation, hearing analysis

as well as 1 elective compulsory module:

Interdisciplinary studies / context studies
Courses of the School of Music and its cooperation partners

(For more information see the annex of the Examination regulations relating to the respective course of studies and the module handbook respectively.)

Master's examination
  1. Module-by-module exams during the course of studies
  2. Written Master's thesis
  3. Final oral examination

Requirements for the aptitude test

Practical oral examination

Duration: approx. 45 minutes

Sight-playing of a figured bass from the early 18th century, analysis of a section of a piece (preparation time: none)

Presentation of the analysis on a prepared piece at the piano (preparation time: 1 day, presentation time: 15 minutes)

Selection from a prepared orchestral score with transposing instruments (preparation time: 1 hour)

Sight-singing of a difficult choral part

Aural analysis of modulations

Reproduction of notated or played rhythms Colloquium on musical theory

Written examination

Test duration approx. 120 minutes

Modulation of motifs for piano (based on a preliminary pattern) and

selection of one of the following three tasks:

  • vocal counterpoint for two voices in 16th century style and invention for two voices in figured bass counterpoint
  • motet for three voices in 16th century style or
  • fugue exposition for three voices with a subsequent interlude in figured bass counterpoint