The "Young Philharmonic Ensemble," a collaborative project between the Mainz Philharmonic State Orchestra and the JGU School of Music, allows students from the Orchestral programs of study to gain early insights into professional practice. Since the 2007/08 winter semester, selected students can take part in rehearsals and performances of works from all areas – concert, musical theater, and ballet. As well as piece-oriented work, the program also encompasses audition training and guidance by the appropriate vocal groups of the Philharmonic State Orchestra. Qualified students are usually accepted into the Young Philharmonic Ensemble for one season.
The collaboration agreed upon also includes a prize which can be awarded within the scope of the School of Music's "Concert Exam" competition, whereby the winners get to play a solo concert with the Philharmonic State Orchestra. This is decided upon by the Chief Conductor of the Philharmonic State Orchestra and General Music Director of the Mainz State Theater, Hermann Bäumer.
Members of the Young Philharmonic Ensemble (in German)