Musicians' Health

Since the summer semester of 2018 Mainz School of Music offers a theme complex on musicians' health which is currently mostly funded externally.

Previous classes

Course Type Lecturer Semester hours
Alexandertechnik seminar Stefan Hladek 3,3
Feldenkrais seminar Heidelore Jung 2
Coaching seminar Silvia Rutkowsi 4
Auftrittscoaching nach Dr. Bohne (PEP) seminar Susanne Dewald 4
Gesund studieren in Mainz lecture series Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Letzel 1

Within the scope of "Gesund studieren in Mainz", JGU establishes the first nationwide holistic health management for students.

Elective course "Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention für Musiker"

Target group: students of Mainz School of Music
Course: lecture, p.r.n. with practical excercises
Duration: 1 semester hour (60 minutes per week)