Elementary Music Education

In the winter semester of 2016/17 the bachelor course Elementary Music Education (EMP - Elementare Musikpädagogik) was launched as a cooperation between Mainz School of Music and the Peter Cornelius Conservatory.

Spanning 8 semesters, the bachelor course (B. Mus.) is combined with an instrumental (or vocal) major course (either classical or jazz/pop). Due to the intense cooperation with the conservatory, we ensure a particularly practical study.

The course comprises of the creative work with one's voice, body and instruments alongside the involvement with objectives, contents and methods of the artistic and pedagogical occupation with children, adolescents and adults. We focus on the individual means of expression and the personal educational processes of human beings. Reproducing and constructive approaches to music are equally important in this matter.

The study qualifies for a diverse professional occupation at schools of music, private or municipal teaching facilities, in training and continuing studies and for cooperations with general educational schools or cultural institutions.

Here you will find an overview of the degree program as well as information about the requirements for the aptitude test (in German).